
How to make Great Haleem

Making perfect Haleem with pulses, chicken, whole grains, mashed together and decorated with mint, coriander leaves, sliced green chili and browned onions.
Making Perfect Chicken Haleem with pulses, chicken, whole grains, mashed together and decorated with mint, coriander leaves, sliced green chili and browned onions. An ancient wholesome nutritional cuisine from Muslim Arabia. Particularly popular in the sacred month of Moharram.
  1. Chicken
  2. Pulses (red, yellow & white)
  3. Split grams
  4. Barley/ Wheat/ Whole Grains
  5. Rice
  6. Extra virgin Olive oil
  7. Ginger and Garlic paste
  8. Ground red chili
  9. Ground turmeric
  10. Chopped green chili
  11. Salt
  12. yogurt
  13. Tomato
  14. Onions
  15. Whole spices powder
  16. Cinnamon
  17. Apple cider vinegar
  18. Mint or Coriander leaves
  19. Lemon

Start by Boiling

Boil 3 liters of water, with 300 g of soaked barley, 100 g of split grams (dal chana), 70 g of white lentils (dal mash), 70 g of red lentils (dal masoor), 70 g of yellow lentils (dall moong), 34 g of rice, (all possibly soaked overnight); (wheat can also be added if desired), bring it to a boil, remove scum from top and then let it simmer for around 34 minutes. Now cover and cook till tender, could take around an hour or so.

Cooking Chicken

Next in a separate pan placed on heat, pour in 46 ml of extra virgin olive oil or as needed, put in 10 g of ginger and garlic paste, then 600 g of boneless chicken breasts, saute until chicken changes color.

Then, add in 13 g of ground red chili, turmeric, chopped green chili, salt to taste (or 21 g), 5 g of red chili flakes, 170 g of plain yogurt, 1 chopped and peeled tomato and mix well. Cook until chicken mixture is done. Then add in 70 g of browned crispy julienne d onions, and mix.

After that, shred the cooked chicken to thin pieces and secure it.

Assembly & Present

Now, mash or blend the whole grains and pulses mixture to a desired consistency and add in the cooked and shredded chicken breasts and mix again to a smooth blend. Then , add in 5 g of whole spices powder (garam masala), 5 g of ground cinnamon, 10 ml of apple cider vinegar and mix well to combine.

Thereafter, in a separate pan saute some julienne d onions in extra virgin olive oil, until brown and crisp. And then decorate the haleem by sprinkling the browned onions on top, with some julienne d ginger, chopped green chilies, some lemon juice, coriander and mint leaves along with desired amount of vinegar.

And serve.
