Making marinated chicken with cream, dried tarragon, Olive oil, butter, organic cheese, seasonings and onions and apple cider vinegar.

Making Basil seeds milk pudding with simple and natural ingredients, such as basil seeds, milk, small amount of honey and some fresh fruits.

Making Butter cream biscuits with all purpose flour, sugar, vinegar, heavy cream. And cream cheese chocolate biscuit sandwiches.

Dark chocolate sponge cake made with natural ingredients like organic butter, whole milk, honey, cream cheese and eggs. And less frosting for a healthy cake.

Amazing moist soft vanilla cake made with natural ingredients like organic butter, whole milk, honey, cream cheese and eggs. With multiple frosting options.

Natural and Healthy Banana Ice cream, a great frozen desert. Made with frozen natural bananas, honey, heavy whipping cream and condensed milk.

Making Ice Cream with or without the ice cream machine, along with few simple natural fresh ingredients such as whole milk, honey and cream.

Making Vanilla Ice cream with pure, natural and organic fresh ingredients. Using whole milk, heavy cream, vanilla extract and honey.

Made with desired fruits and natural fresh ingredients. Using organic whipping cream, sweet condensed milk, salt and honey.